Victoria’s Paintings
An Eye for Light and Color
Oil Paintings
Featured Works
Nature Bath
$2,200.00 -
Little Flower Girl
$350.00 -
Yellow Rose
$100.00 -
Morning Coffee
Girl in Blue Dress
$450.00 -
Reclining Nude
$950.00 -
Blue Skirt Trio
$100.00 -
Jacques Vallin
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Still Life
Lemon Splendor
$800.00 -
Pink Geraniums with Gnome
$100.00 -
Pot with Blue Tin Vase
$100.00 -
Bathtub Beauty
$90.00 -
Yellow Rose
$100.00 -
Flowers with Blue Pitcher
$150.00 -
Morning Coffee
$500.00 -
Three Eggs on Dark Wood
$350.00 -
Eggplants and Marigolds
$400.00 -
Oranges in a Wooden Bowl
$400.00 -
Pears and Gardenias
$350.00 -
Roses and Tangerines
$350.00 -
Strawberries on Board
$350.00 -
Tomatoes Kale Borage
$350.00 -
Yellow Squash (Pipian)
$500.00 -
Moon Dance
$100.00 -
Backbone Trail Malibu
$100.00 -
Orcutt Ranch Rose Garden
$100.00 -
Peach Blossoms
$100.00 -
Pink Geraniums with Gnome
$100.00 -
Sun Blaze
$100.00 -
$200.00 -
Tree Lights
$100.00 -
Little Church – Paramount Ranch
$250.00 -
Franklin Canyon Blues
$1,200.00 -
Point Dume Rocks
$400.00 -
Sun Bathers
$350.00 -
$350.00 -
Summer Morning Malibu Creek
$200.00 -
Morning Bliss
$250.00 -
Vasquez Rocks Superbloom
$250.00 -
From the Cliff
$400.00 -
Balboa Lake
$350.00 -
Sunflower Shed
$250.00 -
Trail to the Top
$550.00 -
LifeGuard Station #2
$550.00 -
Gentle Rocks
$300.00 -
Golden Oaks Pond
$300.00 -
Hilltop Beach House
$300.00 -
Birch Trees
$250.00 -
Morning Sun
Full Gallery